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Southwest DeKalb High School

Dekalb County Schools


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As an Interrelated Studies teacher, I am a facilitator between the regular education setting and the needs of my students. In short, I work to monitor, modify, and amplify the work of the regular ed. teacher as s/he covers the District mandated curriculum. I expect my students to work hard and follow strict guidelines:
1. Bring all materials to class and come prepared to learn.
2. Make an effort to learn and master the material.
3. Ask for help in a timely and appropriate manner.
4. Take responsibility for learning, and turn in the best possible work, on time.
5. In the event of absences, make-up missed work.

As a Theatre and English educator, I find these fields at the forefront of educational reform because they compel the student to engage a range of human experiences, transforming them into a holistic learning experience. How else can one immerse oneself in the emotional, physical, and intellectual mysteries of science, or math, or history? How else can one understand the depth and passion of Tagore's verse or Shakespeare's plays? Therefore, through a total involvement of the senses, Theatre and English offer the ideal pathway to integral and life-long learning. And it is fun too! No wonder students look forward to Drama and/or English class where they are encouraged to access, explore, and utilize their entire self!